Miss California: I’ll fight on

Miss California: I’ll fight on despite racy photos

They just try to destroy, not disagree, but destroy anybody that dares to speak out if you are deemed to be a little right of center. When will enough be enough? Don’t they have any shame!

With partially nude photos of her popping up on Web sites questioning her
Christian credentials, Miss California USA Carrie Prejean has fired back,
claiming the racy pictures are just modeling shots and vowing to continue her
battle against same-sex marriage. “I am a Christian, and I am a model,” Prejean
said in a statement released overnight to the media.
>>Read full article

Perez H:(His name redacted) “Vermont recently became the 4th state to legalize same-sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit. Why or why not?”

Prejean: “Well, I think it’s great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. And you know what, in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that’s how I was raised and that’s how I think it should be between a man and a woman. Thank you very much.”

What was so wrong with that answer??

In the article was this: In 1984, Vanessa Williams had to resign her Miss America crown after revealing photos she had posed for in 1982 were leaked to reporters.

That was 1984, morals were different back then. They forgot to mention the picture was a sexual pose with another women. She was Miss America, that is for a more well rounded wholesome young women; where as Miss USA is more directed for beauty.

I believe these are the racy pictures


  1. BlackTsunami says:

    Instead of trying to play the victim, Ms. Prejean should acknowledge that she allowed herself to be placed on a pedestal where she had no place being.

    No one is trying to destroy her. Someone is obviously trying to cash in but she has no one but herself to blame for this predicament.


  2. daveo says:


    She is not allowed to have an opinion? I think those questions are asked to see how intellectually they are answered not what the political content is. She is being put down as an example, to show everybody else what will happen if go off the reservation. Blacks have been using that one for years. If you say the wrong thing, you WILL be destroyed.


  3. BlackTsunami says:

    She didn’t just have an opinion, she put herself on a pedestal and allowed herself to be a spokesperson. How can she criticize gay marriage due to her Christian principles when it’s obvious that she can’t adhere to those values herself.


  4. daveo says:


    Did you see those pictures? With your rational 90% of the people in this contry should not be allowed to stick their noses out of their door. Did you read her asnwer? In so many words she said, people are allowed to do what they want but she her self does not approve of that life style. What could possibly be wrong with that?? Talk about being intolerant.


  5. BlackTsunami says:

    Oh cut the game of semantics, Dave.

    If you had read what I wrote, you would have seen that I have no problem with Prejean voicing her opinion. But when you talk about how you oppose something based on your Christian beliefs, you had better be damned sure that you yourself adhere to those beliefs especially if you become a public spokesperson. It’s like someone who publicly espousing vegetarianism eating a huge side of ribs. It’s the same thing.


  6. daveo says:

    Let those who are sinless cast the first stone. You know what this is all about.


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